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Article I - Identification

This organization shall be known as the NW POWER ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB (NW PABC).

Article II - Purpose

This Booster Club shall encourage and foster athletes’ All-Star cheer activities through participation in athletic activities at NW Elite Cheer, LLC., also known as NW Power Athletics. We further desire to:

  • Provide fundraising activities for the general NW Elite Cheer programs;

  • Provide funds for non-budgeted equipment and reasonable miscellaneous expenses for the athletes and their teams;

  • Provide a means for parent participation in their children’s athletic pursuits;

  • Provide awards to encourage athletes to strive towards the highest level of their athletic ability;

  • Encourage cross-level booster activities among athletes and parents;

  • Promote volunteerism among athletes and parents;

  • Assist athletes, parents, and coaches in a proactive approach to establish traditions and pride at NW Elite Cheer;

  • Coordinate all Booster Club activities with NW Elite Cheer coaches and administration, and organize exclusively as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article III - Organization and Authority

See the Articles of Incorporation, recorded 07/08/2021, as a non-profit Washington corporation.

Article IV - Membership

Membership in the Athletic Booster Club shall consist of any person who enrolls and pays the annual dues of $50. All regular members shall be entitled to one vote. There shall not be voting by proxy. However, the Board of Directors may authorize voting by email upon special issues.

  1. Parents and friends of all, past, present, or future athletes and such interested persons who desire membership, shall be eligible;

  1. A special sustaining membership may be established for persons unable to volunteer their efforts but can give financial support to Athletic Booster Club activities;

  1. All active coaches and cheerleader advisors shall not automatically be considered members of the Athletic Booster Club unless they are regular dues-paying members.

Article V - Dues

The annual dues for the regular members shall be established each year by the Board of Directors and the Officers. Current dues for the 2021-22 year is $50; to establish funds and pay for NPO fees.

Article VI - Officers

The Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There may be multiple Vice Presidents with differing duties. The Officers are elected from the general membership and are elected at the last public meeting of the season (May).

Description of Officer Positions and Duties

  1. President

    1. Qualifications: Parent or guardian of current, past, or future athlete at NW Elite Cheer, willing to commit to the duties, time commitment, and prevention of conflict of interest issues as described in these Bylaws;

    2. Upholds the Athletic Booster Club Bylaws and supports the intentions of the Club to maintain its 501(c)(3) public charity status;

    3. Oversees the duties of other Officers and Committee Chairpersons;

    4. Schedules and presides over the executive, general and special meetings;

    5. Acts as Club liaison to NW Elite Cheer administration, athletic director, and other organizations and team parent meetings.

    6. Co-signatory on all Club bank accounts.

    7. The President shall create and maintain a binder with all relevant papers handed down to the next elected President for the following seasons.

    8. Estimated time commitment per month: 15 hours.

  2. Vice President

    1. Qualifications: Parent or guardian of current, past, or future athlete at NW Elite Cheer, willing to commit to the duties, time commitment, and prevention of conflict of interest issues as described in these Bylaws;

    2. Upholds the Athletic Booster Club Bylaws and supports the intentions of the Club to maintain its 501(c)(3) public charity status;

    3. Responsible for the supervision of all Committee Chairpersons and committee activities;

    4. The Vice President shall create and maintain a binder with all relevant papers handed down to the next elected Vice President for the following seasons.

    5. Other duties as delegated by the President;

    6. Estimated time commitment per month: 6 hours.

  3. Secretary

    1. Qualifications: Parent or guardian of current, past, or future athlete at NW Elite Cheer, willing to commit to the duties, time commitment, and prevention of conflict of interest issues as described in these Bylaws;

    2. Upholds the Athletic Booster Club Bylaws and supports the intentions of the Club to maintain its 501(c)(3) public charity status;

    3. Records and maintains minutes for executive, general, and special meetings;

    4. Generates agenda for all meetings;

    5. Responsible for Club correspondence;

    6. Responsible to record memberships, keeping membership lists updated, and providing membership cards to each member;

    7. Organizes membership drives with Chairperson, Membership Committee;

    8. Responsible for acquiring signed Conflict of Interest Policy Statements from each newly elected Officer, Board Member, or Committee Chairperson within ten days of their election;

    9. Co-responsible for checking mail in the Athletic Booster Club post office box and notifying Officers concerning their appropriate information;

    10. The Secretary shall create and maintain a binder with all relevant papers handed down to the next elected Secretary for the following seasons.

    11. Estimated time commitment per month: 6 hours.

  4. Treasurer

    1. Qualifications: Parent or guardian of current, past, or future athlete at NW Elite Cheer, willing to commit to the duties, time commitment, and prevention of conflict of interest issues as described in these Bylaws;

    2. Upholds the Athletic Booster Club Bylaws and supports the intentions of the Club to maintain its 501(c)(3) public charity status;

    3. Prepares and presents monthly Treasurer’s report for general membership meeting;

    4. Responsible for creation of an annual budget for consideration at a first annual membership meeting;

    5. Prepares annual tax and corporate filings to appropriate state and federal agencies;

    6. Ensures the Club maintains its tax-exempt status with periodic IRS site review;

    7. Pays all bills (accounts payable) within terms and deposits cash receipts timely;

    8. Works with Club Secretary to process new membership applications;

    9. Maintains all bank statements to balance with Club financial statements;

    10. Is a co-signatory on all Club bank accounts;

    11. Processes all requests for Club funds, keeping originals on file and informing President of impending vote by the membership;

    12. The Treasurer shall create and maintain a binder with all relevant papers handed down to the next elected Treasurer for the following seasons;

    13. Estimate time commitment per month: 15 hours.

Article VII - Board of Directors

The business and property of the Athletic Booster Club shall be managed by the Board of Directors, consisting of the Officers and additional members approved by the majority of the Officers. The additional Board Members may be selected from the general membership, heads of committees, or club representatives from other organizations.

  1. Board Members shall serve a minimum of a one-year term;

  2. The Board of Directors shall hold regular board meetings as required, and such special meetings as the President shall deem necessary for the competent management of club affairs;

  3. At all Board meetings, a majority of Directors shall constitute a quorum, and each Board Member shall have one vote. A majority vote shall direct distribution of funds from the Club’s treasury;

  4. Any member may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Club’s regular members present at any Club meeting;

  5. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to approve an “emergency grant” without membership vote to an athlete by the recommendation of a coach to safeguard their security, active participation, and well-being. The maximum emergency grant allowed without a membership vote is $100.00;

  6. The Board of Directors, with a majority vote, shall have the authority to approve a grant request and operating expense up to $500.00 without membership approval;

  7. The Board shall fill any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors for the remainder of the year. The designee will then be subject to re-election by a majority vote of the regular members at the annual meeting for the unexpired term of the position to be filled.

Article VIII - Permanent and Special Committees.

The Board of Directors may create permanent and special committees as necessary to promote the objectives and work of the NW Power Athletic Booster Club. The term of each chairperson for these committees shall be a minimum of one year. Participants of any committee must be active members. The suggested committees are the following:

  1. Membership Committee

    1. The Membership Committee shall recommend annual membership dues to be presented to the Officers for approval;

    2. The Membership Committee shall prepare and release an annual membership application form for distribution within the community;

    3. The Membership Committee shall not discriminate to any party willing to pay membership dies or donate to the Club;

    4. The Membership Committee may make recommendations for potential member discounts to NW PABC;

    5. The Membership Committee shall track all new member applications and forward the information to the Treasurer and Secretary;

    6. Other responsibilities as designated or determined by the Vice President or Board of Directors.

  2. Scholarship Committee

    1. The Scholarship Committee shall be made up of no less than four and no more than eight current NW PABC members;

    2. The annual NW PABC general scholarships (given to no more than two athletes who meet the scholarship requirements) and shall not exceed $2000 per year;

    3. No Scholarship Committee member may be a parent or family member of any athlete who applies for the scholarship;

    4. The Scholarship Committee may change from year to year, depending on the membership of the organization;

    5. The Scholarship Committee shall be elected by a vote of the membership by the month of March each year;

    6. The Scholarship Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Officers to update the scholarship application and selection process;

    7. The Scholarship Committee shall prepare the application for distribution to interested athletes by April each year;

    8. The Scholarship Committee shall be prepared to meet and determine its scholarship choices by June each year;

    9. The Scholarship Committee shall, at all times, maintain confidentiality as it pertains to the work of the committee;

    10. Other responsibilities as delegated or determined by the Vice President or Board of Directors.

  3. Newsletter Committee

    1. The Newsletter Committee shall prepare periodic newsletters to be distributed to the membership;

    2. The Newsletter Committee shall prepare NW PABC promotional announcements;

    3. The Newsletter Committee may participate in any verbal or written promotional activity not specified in 8.2.1 or 8.2.2;

    4. Other responsibilities as delegated or determined by the Vice President or Board of Directors.

  4. Fireworks Stand Committee

    1. The Fireworks Stand Committee shall be responsible for the products and inventory of all firework stand items purchased with NW PABC funds;

    2. The Fireworks Stand Committee shall ensure that appropriate adults and youth are trained and prepared to work within any NW PABC-owned firework stand;

    3. The Fireworks Stand Committee shall ensure the safety of any volunteer worker in any NW PABC-owned Fireworks Stand stand;

    4. The Fireworks Stand Committee shall ensure that at least one person is present at all times which is of 18-years-old or older;

    5. The Chairperson of the Fireworks Stand Committee has the authority to make purchases on behalf of NW PABC by either using an NW PABC signed check, Credit or Debit Card, or submitting periodic expense reimbursement form;

    6. The Fireworks Stand Committee shall ensure at all times that all cash is handled responsibly and appropriate precautions against theft are taken;

    7. The Fireworks Stand Committee is responsible for reporting all sales and purchases to the Treasurer to maintain accurate records to report to the membership;

    8. Other responsibilities as delegated or determined by the Vice President or Board of Directors.

  5. Spirit Committee

    1. The Spirit Committee may make recommendations to the Officers of various items the Club may purchase to promote NW Elite Cheer and NW PABC spirit at activities where NW PABC participates;

    2. The Spirit Committee may engage in hospitality activities with other Clubs, athletic groups, coaches, etc.;

    3. The Spirit Committee will be responsible for maintaining and reporting all inventory ins and outs to the Treasurer every month;

    4. The Spirit Committee is responsible for reporting all sales and purchases to the Treasurer to maintain accurate records to report to the membership;

    5. Other responsibilities as delegated or determined by the Vice President or Board of Directors.

  6. Special Projects

    1. This committee may be formed at the request of the President, Vice President, or Board of Directors to oversee additional Club activities and fundraising opportunities in addition to the standing committees;

    2. Other responsibilities as delegated or determined by the Vice President or Board of Directors.

Article IX - Organization Representatives

The Board of Directors may appoint representatives from the general membership to other organizations, clubs, and teams to coordinate Club activities and to convey the available activities of the Athletic Booster Club to those organizations. It shall also be the duty of each representative to report to the Club regularly the activities of those organizations and to promote ways the Club and organizations can mutually further the purpose of NW Power Athletic Booster Club.

Article X - Meetings

General membership meetings shall be monthly during the season except during the Holiday season. Additional general and special meetings may be held during the season as necessary.

Each meeting shall include:

  1. Call to Order by the President or designee;

  2. Written agenda;

  3. Meeting minutes recorded by the Club Secretary or designee;

  4. Previous meeting minutes provided by the Club Secretary or designee and amended/approved by the majority of the members present;

  5. Treasurer’s report provided and amended/approved by the majority of the members present;

  6. Committee reports;

  7. Open discussion time for members present;

  8. If necessary, discussion of how to disburse Athletic Booster Club net proceeds as requested by a member, coach, Officer, or Board Member;

  9. Meeting Closed by President or designee.

At all times, Roberts Rules of Order will be the basis for Parliamentary Practice for motions, deliberations, and voting.

Article XI - Dissolution

Upon dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

After paying all outstanding financial obligations, all cash balances and equipment owned by this Club shall be dedicated to NW Elite Cheer to support the needs of all athletes of NW Elite Cheer.

Article XII - Determination of NW PABC Grants

A request for NW PABC funds to support NW Elite Cheer athletes and their teams may come from:

  1. A current member in good standing;

  2. A current NW Elite Cheer coach; or

  3. NW Elite Cheer administration.

The request consideration is as follows:

  1. The requestor completes a “Request for Athletic Booster Club Grant” form and submits it to the Treasurer;

  2. NW PABC Treasurer reviews the request, budget, and historical purchases;

  3. NW PABC invites requestors to attend the next scheduled NW PABC meeting to present their proposal to the membership;

  4. If a member vote is more urgent, the President may call for an email membership vote without a motion;

  5. A motion must be made to vote on the request by the members present at the meeting to either support or deny the request. If the motion is greater than $500, a request for approval must be emailed to all current members;

  6. The Treasurer notifies the requestor of the vote outcome and prepares the paperwork to pay out of Club funds if approved.

The following defines those within the NW Elite Cheer that are eligible for NW PABC grants:

  1. An athletic team composed of athletes who are enrolled in NW Elite Cheer;

  2. An athletic team with coach(s) who follow the coaching standard requirements with respect to ongoing professional development, CPR certifications, Washington State Patrol background check, and age requirements;

  3. An athletic team with coach(s) who are current members of USASF; US All Star Federation Club Cheer and Dance Teams enrolled in NW Elite Cheer (NW Power Athletics) regarding eligibility, membership, etc.;

The following organizations are not eligible for NW PABC grants:

  1. A “club” that does not follow the requirements listed above;

  2. An athletic team that does not have a budget administered by NW Power Athletic Booster Club.

NW PABC will purchase only these types of goods on behalf of NW Elite Cheer:

  1. Services that benefit NW Power Athletics, i.e., athletic training, and durable goods that become the property of NW Power Athletics or NW Elite Cheer, i.e., athletic equipment, etc., as well as items that encourage NW Elite Cheer tradition and pride;

  2. Hospitality purchases (food, beverages, paper items, etc.) may be used for coach/parent meetings, referee consumption, athlete travel to away competitions, etc.;

  3. Annual scholarships awarded at the end of the season;

  4. Emergency grants to athletes on a case-by-case basis, which may include personal items necessary for the full participation of an NW Elite Cheer athlete.

NW PABC will not engage in these types of grant awards:

  1. Loans to other Clubs, organizations, or groups;

  2. Loans to any members, Officers, or Board Members.

Article XIII - Conflict of Interest Policy

Each Officer and Board Member must protect this tax-exempt public charity when contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that may benefit the private interests of an Officer or Board Member or result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This Article XIII does not replace any applicable state or federal laws governing conflict of interests concerning nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Each Officer, Board Member, or Committee Chairperson shall annually sign a statement which affirms that each person has:

  1. Received a copy of the NW Power Athletic Booster Club Conflict of Interest Policy;

  2. Read and understood the Policy;

  3. Agrees to abide by and comply with the Policy; and

  4. Understands that the Club is a charitable organization. To maintain its federal tax-exempt status, it must engage primarily in activities that accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.

Article XIV - Annual Carry-Over of NW PABC Funds

  1. NW PABC shall carry over a minimum of $4,500 from one fiscal year (June - May) to the next to assure an appropriate amount for general Club setup and at least $2,000 to be awarded in its annual scholarships.

Article XV - Approval

These Bylaws shall be approved at a general membership meeting of the NW Power Athletic Booster Club by most members present and casting their vote.

Article XVI - Amendments to the Bylaws

These Bylaws shall be amended by a majority vote of the Members present at any regularly called meeting. Such Amendments shall only be recommended by the Board of Directors and shall be presented in writing and read at the regular meeting before voting.

The above and foregoing Bylaws were fully adopted by a majority vote of the regular members of the Club as the Bylaws of the NW Power Athletic Booster Club on the 14th Day of December 2021.

________Signature on file________

President of NW PABC

NW PABC Bylaws: Text
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